Table of conjugation of the most frequent russian verbs

Hello, After a short introduction to vocabulary aquisition using words frequency, I will bring in a tool to work on russian verbs. Vocabulary acquisition Vocabulary acquisition of a foreign language vocabulary can be active (e.g. learning a list of new words) or incidental through context (e.g. through speach, reading, movies). Each approach has its limitations and obviously they should be used in a complementary way. Concerning the benefit of active learning of vocabulary, here is a quote from 2013, Corpus-based vocabulary lists for language learners for nine languages:

A printable periodic table of elements in multiple languages

Hello, Do you remember that big colorful table of elements hanging on the wall of the chemistry lab? This table of elements (Mendeleev’s table) comes here in multiple languages. Beside showing elements of which we should be more aware to have a conversation about topics such as energy management/global warming/environnement, it is a simple tool to get some vocabulary in. Especially useful if you study or work in a scientific field in a multicultural context.